Sri Sai Business and Management Consultancy handle each and every step from scratch so that the client faces no problem. Our team ensures smooth registration and setting up of the company. We also handle the accounts and finance for people who want to outsource their accounting services. The team is backed by experienced chartered accountants, financial advisors and tax consultants.
The professionals at Sri Sai Business Management are highly qualified, trained, and experienced in their specific genre to ensure quality service.
Our professionals duly study your business and area of dealing to suggest you with the best possible solutions and guidance.
Since our consultants have ample experience with other MNCs as well, they can provide you with the knowledge that has been successfully employed to other organizations as well.
The Goods and Service Tax (GST) has been a biggest game changing reform in India's Indirect Tax Structure which has rightly attracted the heightened interest from all the stakeholders.
An income tax is a tax that governments impose on income generated by businesses. Taxpayers must file an income tax return annually to determine their tax.
Annual accounts report on the financial activity of a company during each financial year. Accounts must be prepared every year for Companies House and HMRC.
Internal audits provide management with the tools necessary to attain operational efficiency by identifying problems and correcting lapses before they are discovered in an external audit.
An import-export license is mandated by various federal agencies, and it identifies what products are shipped or delivered between international locations.
Copyright is geared toward literary and artistic works, such as books and videos. A trademark protects items that help define a company brand, such as its logo.
Businesses require an adequate amount of capital to fund startup expenses or pay for expansions. As such, companies take out business loans to gain the financial assistance they need.
The excess GST paid can be claimed as a refund within two years from the date of payment. This means that if excess GST is paid in the month of November 2017, GST refund application can be submitted until November 2019.
Audit reconsideration is an "informal" process through which tax disputes can be resolved without having to take the issue to tax court. Your tax return was audited by the IRS and you disagree with the assessment